Two Project Management Standards Battle It Out in Canada
PMI claim code: 1021EVODHR
Project Management can be a confusing profession, with differing practices by industry, project type, and even employer. As a professional who is trying to improve their practice, how should you plan your skills development? While we can use standards as a guideline, there are multiple competing standards in the marketplace such as PMI’s PMBoK Guide and IPMA’s International Competence Baseline. Join this session to learn about various project management standards and, in particular, the aforenamed two that are vying for dominance in the Canadian PM profession.

Kevin Aguanno
Kevin Aguanno is a highly-credentialed project manager who is active within both PMI and the IPMA. He has won numerous awards, is a prolific author, and teaches project management at several universities. Both Canadian and United Kingdom project management associations have named him as an honorary Fellow in recognition of his giveback to the profession and, in 2023, he was knighted in the Order of St. Stanislaus in recognition of his charitable work in the international community.